To describe drugs in a systematic manner is known as pharmacognostical scheme, which includes the following headings:
To describe drugs in a systematic manner is known as
pharmacognostical scheme, which includes the following headings:
This includes the biological names of plants or animals
yielding the drug and family to which it belongs. Botanical name includes genus
and species. Often some abbrevia-tions are written after the botanical names,
of the biologist responsible for the classification, for example, Acacia arabica Willd. Here Willd
indicates the botanist responsible for the classification or nomenclature.
According to the biennial theory, the botanical name of any plant or animal is
always written in italic form, and the first letter of a genus always appears
in a capital later.
Biological source also includes the family and the part of
the drug used. For example, biological source of senna is, Senna consists of
dried leaflets of Cassia angustifolia
Delite, belonging to family Leguminosae.
It includes the areas of cultivation, collection and route
of transport of a drug.
These are important to mention as these are responsible for
quality of a drug.
In case of organized drugs, the length, breadth, thickness, surface, colour, odour, taste, shape, etc. are covered under the heading morphological characters, whereas organolep-tic properties (colour, odour, taste and surface) should be mentioned, if the drug is unorganized.
This is one of the important aspects of pharmacognosy as it
helps in establishing the correct identity of a drug. Under this heading all
the detailed microscopical characters of a drug is described.
The most important aspect which determines the intrinsic
value of a drug to which it is used is generally described under this heading.
It includes the chemical constituents present in the drug. These kinds of drugs
are physiologi-cally active.
It includes the pharmaceutical, pharmacological and
bio-logical activity of drugs or the diseases in which it is effective.
The drug which is used during non-availability of origi-nal
drug is known as substituent. It has the same type of physiological active
constituents; however, the percentage quantity of the drug available may be
With the knowledge of the diagnostic characters of drugs,
the adulterants can be detected. One should have the criti-cal knowledge of
substances known to be potential adul-terants. Most of the times the
adulterants are completely devoid of physiologically active constituents, which
leads in the deterioration of the quality. For example, mixing of buffalo milk
with goat milk is substitution, whereas mixing of water in the milk is
adulteration. In the first case, goat milk is substitute and in the second case
water is adulterant.
The knowledge of chemical tests becomes more important in
case of unorganized drugs whose morphology is not well defined.
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