Article 106 of Directive 2001/83/EC and Arti-cle 26 of Regulation (EC) No. 726/2004
Article 106 of Directive 2001/83/EC and Arti-cle 26 of Regulation (EC) No.
726/2004 require the Commission, in consultation with the Agency, the Member
States and interested parties, to produce guid-ance on the collection,
verification and presentation of adverse reaction reports so as to facilitate
the exchange of pharmacovigilance information within the EU. All such guidance
must take account of inter-national harmonisation work on pharmacovigilance
terminology and classification, and the Commission is required to publish a
reference to an internationally agreed medical terminology.
accordance with this requirement, the Commis-sion provides guidance on the
interpretation and implementation of pharmacovigilance requirements in Volume 9
of The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union. For ease
of refer-ence, it should be noted that although Volume 9 replaces all
pharmacovigilance guidance published by the Commission before June 2004, there
is presently a draft of Volume 9a that deals with the changes introduced by the
EU Pharma Review.
Agency is advised by a scientific committee, the Committee for Medicinal
Products for Human Use (‘CHMP’). A sub-division of this committee is the
Pharmacovigilance Working Party, which has a mandate to provide a forum for
discussion, consensus development and co-ordination of pharmacovigilance issues
at EU level with which Member States are required to co-operate. The Pharmacovigilance
Work-ing Party produces documents which supplement the guidance in Volume 9;
these are identified in Part IV of Volume 9.
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