At the time of the first wave of pharmacovigilance-related ICH guidelines, the main focus was on gathering worldwide data in efficient manner for comprehensive assessment.
ICH initiatives in the area of pharmacovigilance have to be seen not only given
the background of general need for universal standards for the investigation
on medicinal products, but moreover in the context of efforts in strengthening
pharmacovigilance in the three ICH regions.
the time of the first wave of pharmacovigilance-related ICH guidelines, the
main focus was on gathering worldwide data in efficient manner for
comprehensive assessment. Therefore, standards for electronic reporting of ADR
case reports were intro-duced as well as the concept of the PSUR.
technical developments offered new possi-bilities with regard to electronic
reporting, which would reduce paper work and facilitate data sharing and
database entries. Its implementation is still ongo-ing, given the major
technical change it represents for marketing authorisation holders and
authorities. However, the future possibilities of sharing detailed case data in
structured data fields are considered of major benefit. With a view to signal
identification and risk-factor identification, algorithms and statistical
methods have already been applied to data available˝ in other electronic
formats using efficient, automated analysis by computer (data mining) (Clark,
2002; Clark, Klincewicz and Stang, 2002; Evans, 2002; Edwards et al., 2002; van Puijenbroek, 2001). In
accordance with EU legislation (Article 1(7), 2000; Article 51(c), 1993), the
data processing network and management system EudraVigilance has been made
available by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) for expedited reporting and
data stor-age in accordance with ICH-E2B(M) as well as MedDRA. Data mining
tools for this system are under development. Electronic expedited reporting
using EudraVigilance will become mandatory in the EU by legislation in November
2005. EudraVigilance allows networking and work sharing between the
authori-ties in the EU, a necessity for the EU regulatory system. Aspects of
ICH-E2A relevant to the post-authorisation phase have been implemented in the
EU in Volume 9 of the Rules Governing Medicinal Prod-ucts in the EU since its
first version of 1997 (Euro-pean Commission, 1997–2004), and ICH-E2D has been
integrated in the revision of Volume 9A sched-uled for finalisation in 2006. In
the United States, the FDA developed their Adverse Event Reporting System
(AERS), likewise based on ICH-E2B(M) and MedDRA and enabling electronic
reporting. ICH-E2A and ICH-E2D have been incorporated by the FDA in their
Proposed Rule on Safety Reporting Require-ments (‘Tome’) (Raczkowski, 2003),
and pharmaceu-tical industry hopes that current inconsistencies with regard to
ICH-E2A, E2D and E2C will be cleared in the final rule (Khan, 2004). In Japan,
electronic submission of ADR case reports, in accordance with ICH-E2B(M) and
MedDRA/J (Japanese translation of MedDRA), was implemented in October 2003 and
covered already after 6 months 55% of all submis-sions. Otherwise, ADR case
reports are submitted on disks in accordance with ICH-E2B(M), so all ADR case
reports are included in the database of the Japanese authorities on the basis
of ICH stan-dards (K Tamiya, personal communication, 17 June 2004). The fact
that marketing authorisation holders can submit ADR case reports to the
authorities in the three ICH regions according to the same technical standards
represents major work facilitation.
PSUR had been implemented, immediately after the adoption of ICH-E2C, in the EU
and in Japan, and this experience was judged very positively, so that the ICH
parties agreed to develop ICH-E2C adden dum during the second wave of
pharmacovigilance-related ICH guidelines. ICH-E2C Addendum opened further
opportunities for the useful application of the PSUR. In the United States, both
these ICH guide-lines were published in the Federal Register Notice, but the
PSUR has not yet become the required format for periodic reporting. Since 2001,
a waver request may be submitted by marketing authorisation holders who want to
use the PSUR, and in 2003, the PSUR format was included by the FDA in their
Proposed Rule on Safety Reporting Requirements (‘Tome’) (Chen, 2003; Khan,
2004). Again, the availability of an agreed stan-dard should allow marketing
authorisation holders to submit the same PSUR in the three ICH regions at the
same point in time and also promote co-operation between authorities. However,
some legal issues in rela-tion to harmonisation of data lock points and
submis-sion dates remain to be solved. On the other hand, the EU has successfully
piloted work sharing and peer review between authorities in relation to PSUR
assessment for products that otherwise fall outside the established structures
of EU co-ordination (i.e. for purely nationally authorised products not subject
to the centralised, mutual recognition or decentralised proce-dure) or for
active substances subject to more than one authorisation procedure. This work
sharing requires harmonisation of data lock points that go beyond the product,
i.e. agreeing substance birth dates. This exam-ple shows how an ICH concept can
be used for an even higher degree of harmonisation, as appropriate for a
particular region. Moreover, from an EU perspec-tive, it has to be said that
the pharmacovigilance-related ICH guidelines as a whole have formed the basis
for the processes as they are in operation in the pharmacovigilance system of
the EU today.
the first wave of pharmacovigilance-related ICH guidelines was completed in
1997, the repre-sentatives from the authorities of the three ICH regions
monitored the implementation of the guide-lines at their regular meetings from
1999 onwards and expressed interest in increased co-operation between the
authorities on methods and product-related issues in pharmacovigilance. The ICH
initiative has certainly been providing a framework for confidence building and
formal co-operation beyond personal contact.
second wave of pharmacovigilance-related ICH guidelines was then prepared by
the Japanese Ministry in 2000, at the same time when they strengthened the
Japanese pharmacovigilance system. The measures taken in Japan included the
concept of EPPV described above.
the United States, the FDA published their risk management strategy in 1999 and
their Strategic Action Plan for Protecting and Advancing America’s Health in
2003, which included goals of risk manage-ment and patient safety (FDA, 2003).
In accordance with the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) III authorised in
2002, the FDA finalised, following public consultation, three guidance papers
in 2005 on risk assessment during the pre-authorisation phase, risk
minimisation action plans as well as good phar-macovigilance practices and
pharmacoepidemiologic assessment (FDA, 2005a–c).
the EU, the European Commission initiated in early 2001 a stakeholders’ High
Level Group on Innovation and the Provision of Medicines (2002, G10 Medicines),
and one of their recommenda-tions was to optimise data collection processes in
pharmacovigilance. Furthermore, welcoming proposals from the EMEA, the Heads of
Medicines Agencies Ad Hoc Working Group (2003, 2005a,b) in the EU started
developing a risk management strategy in 2002. More specifically with regard to
products centrally authorised by the European Commission, the EMEA (2004b)
established a procedure for assuring high-quality pharmacovigilance in both the
pre-authorisation and the post-authorisation phase. Further initiatives are
announced in the EMEA Road Map to 2010 (EMEA, 2004a), taking into account the
revised legislation (Directive 2004/27/EC, 2004; Regulation (EC) No 726/2004,
2004) and the needs expressed by patients (EMEA/CHMP Working Group with Patient
Organisations, 2005). The revised legislation introduces the concept of risk
management systems to be put in place by marketing authorisation holders, and
guidance has been included in the revised Volume 9A (European Commission,
2006). Needs expressed by patients include a proactive approach in
these activities in the three ICH regions reflect the high demand for
strengthening pharmacovigilance from a public health, political as well as
public point of view. Consequently, the limited available resources have to be
used efficiently, and the ICH guidelines are important for global industry as
well as the authorities in the three ICH regions.
possible third wave of pharmacovigilance-related ICH guidelines is therefore
currently under considera-tion. In October 2006, the ICHSC adopted a new ICH
topic on safety update reports for the development phase of medicinal products
furthermore at the importance of phar-macovigilance and drug safety beyond the
three ICH regions, one needs to note the work of the Uppsala Monitoring Centre
(UMC): With the aim to support world health in the field of drug safety, the
UMC manages the WHO’s Programme for Interna-tional Drug Monitoring and provides
an international networking structure as well as many services for their 81
member countries. Amongst those, Vigibase is the database where the ADR case
reports submitted by each member country are stored for retrieval by any member
country and automated signal identifica-tion from worldwide data at the level
of the UMC. Vigibase is compliant with the ICH-E2B guideline, and although it
uses the ADR terminology WHO-ART, it also accepts cases coded in MedDRA (UMC).
at drug safety from a global perspective and in particular not neglecting the
needs of develop-ing countries, the following needs to be considered.
and safe use of a medicinal product depends on the product, the patient with
his/her genetic, acquired and culture-related factors, the health services and
the regulatory control. Countries where new medicinal products are marketed
first need strong pharmacovigilance systems. Countries with weak regulatory
control, pharmacovigilance and health services need reliable information on
efficacious and safe use of medicinal product from elsewhere while making all
efforts to improve their systems and taking into account local public health
needs. In such circumstances, priority in data collection and pharmacovigilance
planning should be given to local specificities and investigations if data from
other populations and/or from other health service/regulatory/cultural
environments can be extrapolated. Extrapolation of safety data from clinical
trials to an ethnic population other than the trial population is addressed in
the ICH-E5 guideline with regard to intrinsic as well as extrinsic factors
(ICH, 1998), and data justifying extrapolation of the clinical trial data may
be used also for the interpreta-tion of data emerging in the post-authorisation
there is more work to be done in this respect, such as epidemiological, health
priority, health service, pharmacogenetic, drug utilisation and
medical–anthropological research. This will be a major future challenge for
risk minimisation and its evaluation, when working towards worldwide access to
medicines and providing medicines to multiethnic populations. In any case,
co-operating within regional and international structures is of key importance
for all countries with the aim of high-quality risk assess-ment and
minimisation as well as efficient use of resources.
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