Although impossible to quantify, the use of contaminated medicines has undoubtedly contributed to the spread of cross-infection in hospitals; undeniably, such nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infections have also extended the length of stay in hospital with concomitant costs.
Although impossible to quantify,
the use of contaminated
medicines has undoubtedly contributed to the spread of cross-infection in hospitals; undeniably, such nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infections have also
extended the length of stay in hospital with concomitant costs. A
patient’s response to the microbial challenge
of a contaminated medicine may be diverse
and unpredictable, perhaps with serious consequences. Clinical reactions
may not be evident in one patient,
yet in another may be indisputable, illustrating one problem in the
recognition of medicament-borne infections. Clinical reactions may range from inconvenient local infections of wounds or broken
skin, caused possibly
from contact with a contaminated cream, to gastrointestinal infections
from the ingestion of contaminated oral products, to serious widespread infections such as a
bacteraemia or septicaemia, possibly resulting in death, as caused by the administration of contaminated infusion fluids. Undoubtedly, the most serious outbreaks
of infection have been seen in the past where contaminated products have been injected
directly into the bloodstream of patients whose immunity is already compromised by their underlying
disease or therapy.
The outcome
of any episode is determined by a combination of several factors,
among which the type and degree of microbial contamination, the route of administration
and the patient’s resistance are of particular importance.
Microorganisms that
contaminate medicines and cause disease in patients
may be classified as true pathogens or opportunist pathogens. Pathogenic organisms
like Clostridium
tetani and Salmonella
spp. rarely occur in
products, but when present cause serious problems. Wound infections and several cases of neonatal
death have resulted
from use of talcum powder
containing Cl. tetani. Outbreaks of salmonellosis
have followed the inadvertent ingestion of contaminated thyroid
and pancreatic powders. On the other
hand, opportunist pathogens like Ps. aeruginosa, Klebsiella, Serratia and
other free-living organisms are more frequently isolated from medicinal products and, as their name suggests, may be pathogenic if given the opportunity. The main concern with these organisms is that their
simple nutritional requirements enable
them to survive
in a wide range of pharmaceuticals, and thus they tend to be present
in high numbers, perhaps
in excess of 106–107 CFU/g or
CFU/ml. The product itself,
however, may show no visible
sign of contamination.
Opportunist pathogens can survive in disinfectants and antiseptic
solutions that are normally used in the control
of hospital cross-infection, but which, when contaminated, may even perpetuate the spread of infection. Compromised hospital patients, i.e. elderly,
burned, traumatized or immunosuppressed patients, are considered to be particularly at risk from infection with these organisms, whereas
healthy patients in the general
community have given little
cause for concern.
The critical
dose of microorganisms that will initiate
an infection is largely unknown
and varies not only
between species
but also within
a species. Animal
and human volunteer studies
have indicated that
the infecting dose may be reduced significantly in the presence of trauma or foreign
bodies or if accompanied by a drug having a local vasoconstrictive action.
Route Of Administration
As stated previously,
contaminated products injected directly into the
bloodstream or instilled into the eye cause the most serious problems.
Intrathecal and epidural injections are potentially hazardous
procedures. In practice, epidural
injections are frequently given through a bacterial
filter. Injectable and ophthalmic solutions
are often
simple solutions and provide Gram-negative opportunist pathogens with sufficient nutrients
to multiply
during storage; if contaminated, a bioburden of 106 CFU as well
as the production of endotoxins should be expected. TPN fluids, formulated for
individual patients’ nutritional requirements, can also provide more than
adequate nutritional support
for invading contaminants. Ps. aeruginosa, the notorious contaminant of eye drops, has caused serious
ophthalmic infections, including the loss of sight in some cases. The problem is compounded when the eye is damaged
through the improper use of contact lenses
or scratched by fingernails or cosmetic applicators.
The fate
of contaminants ingested
orally in medicines may be determined by several
factors, as is seen with contaminated
food. The acidity
of the stomach may provide a successful barrier, depending on whether the medicine is taken on an empty
or full stomach
and also on the gastric emptying time.
Contaminants in topical products may cause
little harm when deposited on intact
Not only does the skin itself
provide an excellent mechanical barrier, but few
contaminants normally survive in competition with its resident
microbial flora. Skin damaged
during surgery or trauma or in patients with burns or pressure
sores may, however,
be rapidly colonized and subsequently
infected by opportunist pathogens. Patients
treated with topical
steroids are also prone to local infections, particularly if contaminated steroid drugs are inadvertently used.
A patient’s resistance
is crucial in determining the outcome of a medicament-borne infection. Hospital patients are more exposed and susceptible to infection
than those treated in the general community. Neonates, elderly people, diabetics and patients traumatized by
surgery or accident may have impaired
defence mechanisms. People suffering from leukaemia and those treated with immunosuppressants are most
vulnerable to infection; there
is an undeniable case for
providing all medicines in a sterile form for these patients.
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TH 2019 - 2025; Developed by Therithal info.