Objectives of National Blood Policy

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Chapter: Forensic Pharmacy : National Blood Policy

The firm commitment of the Government for providing adequate quantity of blood and its components or products. For achieving this target, the National Blood Transfusion Programme is developed.

Objectives of the Policy

The following objectives are drawn-

1. The firm commitment of the Government for providing adequate quantity of blood and its components or products. For achieving this target, the National Blood Transfusion Programme is developed. The National Blood Transfusion Council (NBTC) is constituted which shall co-ordinate with State Blood Transfusion Councils (SBTC) develop guidelines to define NGO-run blood centers and ensure involvement of other ministries and other health programmes.

It shall be the responsibility of Drugs Controller General to look after enforcement of standards of blood and blood products. The SBTC shall organize the blood transfusion service through the network of Regional Blood Centers, Satellite Centers and other Government, Indian Red cross and NGO-run blood centers.

In order to meet special requirements of Armed Forces in remote areas, necessary amendments shall be effected in the Drugs and Cosmetics Act and Rules.

2. In order to ensure proper development and reorganization of blood transfusion service, the Blood Transfusion Councils at Center and in States and Union Territories shall be financially strengthened by pooling resources from various existing programmes. International funding, cost recovery of blood/blood components and raising of funds for blood transfusion service shall be attempted.

3. The latest technology shall be made available for operating the blood transfusion service. The updating and effective enforcement of provisions of Drugs and Cosmetics Act and Rules, prescribing minimum standards for testing, processing and storage of blood/ blood products, establishment of a Vigilance Cell, introduction of Quality System Scheme in all blood centers, and appointment of Quality Assurance Manager for each Regional Blood Center are the steps to be initiated.

4. The activities for development ofbio-safety guidelines and Generic Standard Operating Procedures and introduction of ExtemaI Quality Assessment Scheme shall be undertaken. Each blood center shall be asked to develop its own Standard Operating Procedures on various aspects of blood banking.

5. Regular workshops and proficiency testing exercises shall be conducted for in-service persons.

6. Extensive awareness programmes for blood banking services shall be launched which include donor motivation for ensuring adequate availability of safe blood. The emphasis shall be on recruitment and retention of voluntary, non-remunerated blood donors, enrolment of safe donors, regular voluntary donors instead of, replacement donors and involvement of youth in blood donation. A counselor shall be appointed for each blood center and updated donors directory shall be maintained.

7. Appropriate clinical use of blood and blood products shall be encouraged. Blood and blood products shall be transfused only when necessary. In addition, effective and efficient clinical use of blood shall be promoted and National Guidelines on "qinical Use of Blood" shall be made available. Whenever possible, the use of plasma expanders shall be promoted to minimize the use of blood. Guidelines for management of blood supply during natural and man-made disasters shall be made available.

8. Strengthening of trained manpower through human resource development shall be achieved by adopting focused strategy. Medical colleges shall be encouraged to start P.G. programme. (M.D. in Transfusion Medicine). A separate department of Transfusion Medicine shall be established in medical colleges. Technical training in transfusion medicine for nurses, pharmacists, technicians, donor organizers, donor recruitment officers and others shall be emphasized. In-service training programmes for drug inspectors and all categories of personnel working in blood centers shall be organized.

9. The research and development in the field of transfusion medicine and related technology shall be encouraged by providing research grants from Corpus fund for multi-centric research initiatives. Development of computer based information and management systems shall be on priority agenda.

10. Adequate legislative and educational steps shall be taken to eliminate profiteering in blood banks. Fresh licences to stand-alone blood banks in private sector shall not be granted. The stringent punishment shall be accorded by amending existing provisions of Drugs and Cosmetics Rules for unauthorized/irregular practices in blood banking system. Provisions for affiliation with a licensed blood bank for procurement of blood for their patients shall be incorporated.

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