Accountable officers must ensure adequate and up-to-date standard operating procedures (SOPs) are in place within their organisation; these should support strong governance arrangements and must be compliant with the relevant current legal framework.
Standard operating procedures
Accountable officers
must ensure adequate and up-to-date standard operating procedures (SOPs) are in
place within their organisation; these should support strong governance
arrangements and must be compliant with the relevant current legal framework.
SOPs must cover the following as a minimum:
who has access to CDs
where and how CDs are stored
how CDs are transported within the organisation
how CDs are destroyed and disposed of
who is alerted if complications or concerns arise or
incidents occur
what records need to be maintained, including relevant CD
register requirements
how records of schedule 2 drugs that have been returned by
patients are kept and managed
The accountable
officer should make sure that additional SOPs are available within the
organisation, where required, to ensure all aspects of CD manage-ment and
accountability are clearly defined and agreed. Most hospitals will have similar
core SOPs but their content and detail may vary, as they should be specifically
tailored to the healthcare setting and reflect the roles and responsibilities
agreed within the organisation.
Hospital pharmacists
are in an ideal position to observe day-to-day prac-tice with CDs in clinical
areas and can help to identify when local SOPs may need review or where
additional training may be required.
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TH 2019 - 2025; Developed by Therithal info.