Serotonin was the name given to the vasoconstrictor substance which appeared in the serum when blood clotted and Enteramine to the smooth muscle contracting substance present in enterochromaffin cells of gut mucosa.
(5HT, Serotonin)
Serotonin was the name given to
the vasoconstrictor substance which appeared in the serum when blood clotted
and Enteramine to the smooth muscle
contracting substance present in enterochromaffin cells of gut mucosa. In the
early 1950s both were shown to be 5hydroxytryptamine
(5HT). About 90% of body’s content of 5HT is localized in the intestines; most
of the rest is in platelets and brain. It is also found in wasp and scorpion
sting, and is widely distributed in invertebrates and plants (banana, pear,
pineapple, tomato, stinging nettle, cowhage).
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