The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Agency for the evaluation of medicinal products (EMEA) has published a position paper on compliance with pharmacovig-ilance regulatory obligations.
Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Agency
for the evaluation of medicinal products (EMEA) has published a position paper
on compliance with pharmacovig-ilance regulatory obligations (CPMP, 2001). This
paper, which came into effect in January 2002, empha-sises the importance of
compliance with periodic reporting and lists the forms that non-compliance may
Submission: Complete
non-submission of PSURs, submission
outside the correct cycle or outside the correct timeframes and non-restart of
the cycle of submission when necessary;
Format of the
Report not in accordance with ICH
Concealment of
Information, Particularly in the Following Sections of the Report: Update of
regu-latory authority or MAH actions taken for safety reasons, changes to
reference safety information, patient exposure and presentation of individual
case histories;
Poor Quality Reports: Poor documentation
of ADR reports or insufficient
information provided to perform a thorough assessment in the presen-tation of
individual case histories section, new safety signals not or poorly assessed in
the overall safety information section, misuse not highlighted and absence of
standardised medical terminology;
CCDS: Where changes have
been made to the CCDS since the
submission of the last PSUR and submission of a report where the covering
letter does not highlight the differences between the CCDS and the EU or
national SPC and
Previous requests
from Competent Authorities not Addressed: Submission of a report where
previous requests from competent
authorities have not been addressed (e.g. close monitoring of specific safety
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