The main source of pediatric pharmacovigilance data is spontaneous reports which are compiled by vari-ous regulatory agencies, the largest system being the database maintained by the FDA.
main source of pediatric pharmacovigilance data is spontaneous reports which
are compiled by vari-ous regulatory agencies, the largest system being the
database maintained by the FDA. The FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS)
is a computerized information database designed to support the FDA’s
postmarketing safety surveillance program for all approved drugs and
therapeutic biologic products. It is comprised of mandatory reports from
manufacturers as required by regulation and voluntary reports from health-care
professionals and consumers through the MedWatch program. FDA codes all
reported adverse events using a standardized international terminol-ogy, MedDRA
(the Medical Dictionary for Regula-tory Activities). FDA staff use reports from
AERS in conducting postmarketing drug surveillance and compliance activities
and in responding to outside requests for information.
reports in AERS are evaluated by FDA staff to monitor drug safety and detect
new safety signals.
of further evaluation of the signals may form the basis for regulatory action
to improve product safety and protect the public health, such as updating a
product’s labelling information, sending out a ‘Dear Health Care Professional’
letter, or re-evaluating an approval decision.
limitations of voluntary and spontaneous drug adverse event reporting systems
are well recognized and adequately described elsewhere, but there are some
unique aspects of use of drugs in pediatrics that contribute to these
limitations, especially to under-reporting in children. First, health-care
profession-als may be less likely to report suspected adverse reactions for
drugs that are unlicensed or used off-label. Second, the practice of
polyphar-macy in the premature and sick neonate, often with unapproved and
off-label drugs adds another level of complexity that further hampers
recognition and reporting by health-care practitioners and consumers. Third,
adverse drug reactions arising from in-utero or breast milk exposures and
manifesting during the neonatal period may be underreported because mater-nal
history of pregnancy drug exposures are poorly documented or their potential
contribution to neona-tal problems are under-appreciated. Fourth, delayed
adverse drug reactions, especially those with a long latency such as effects on
growth, development and cognition are less likely to be recognized and
reported. Fifth, possible drug adverse reactions may not be recognized because
young children may be unable to describe their symptoms, and intermediaries
such as parents and caretakers may fail to report them. The result is
relatively few pediatric reports enter-ing AERS and a longer time period needed
to build an adequate case series of postmarketing reports to perform a
pediatric safety analysis.
premarket evidence base for pediatric drug safety is non-existent for most
approved drugs because few clinical drug development programs have included
pediatric patients. Despite the absence of data to guide dosage, dosage
frequency, route of administration or appropriate formulation and evidence of
clinical efficacy or safety, drugs are commonly prescribed off-label to
pediatric patients. These off-label uses constitute the collection of ‘N of One
trials’, outcomes of which become the single most important source of
information of adverse drug reactions in pediatric patients and to a lesser
extent information on the drug’s benefits.
recent years, US legislation and financial incen-tives to sponsors have led to
increased clinical drug studies in children. These studies have resulted in
useful data on a drug’s pharmacokinetics, safety and efficacy for pediatric
labelling. However, these stud-ies are often short in duration, include a small
sample of selected patients and are typically not powered for safety.
Therefore, postmarket reporting of adverse events still continues to be the
primary source of safety data for pediatrics. But there is increasing inter-est
in going beyond the postmarketing spontaneous adverse event reports to assess
the safety and effec-tiveness of drugs in the pediatric population.
not a requirement yet, sponsors can play a significant role in postmarketing
surveillance by submitting periodic safety update reports (PSUR) after a new
drug’s approval for marketing. A separate and detailed safety analysis focused
on pediatrics is currently a feature of the PSUR. The PSUR was designed to be a
stand-alone document that allows a periodic but comprehensive assessment of the
world-wide safety data of a marketed drug or biological product. The PSUR can
be an important source of data for the identification of new safety signals, a
means of determining changes in the benefit–risk profile, an effective means of
risk communication to regu-latory authorities, and an indicator for the need
for risk management initiatives. Incorporating a require-ment for a separate
pediatric safety analysis as part of the PSUR submitted by sponsors will
facilitate early detection and evaluation of possible safety issues.
the United States, postmarketing drug adverse events surveillance data are
available from sources other than spontaneous reporting systems such as
emergency department-based systems and epidemi-ologic data from automated
claims databases. The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS),
which collects data on all injuries from a probability sample of emergency
departments (ED) in approximately 100 hospitals, recently evaluated an active
drug adverse event surveillance program using ED chart reviews in six sites.19
The results indicated that although the predictive value positive for Adverse
Drug Reactions (ADRs) was high, sensitivity was low suggesting the need for
additional training of review-ers and coders in the recognition and reporting
of suspected ADRs.
source of surveillance information is the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN),
whose data-collection procedures were modified in 2003 to include adverse drug
reactions. This system collects data from a probability sample of short-term,
general, non-federal hospitals and from medical examin-ers/coroners in 300
jurisdictions in 48 metropolitan areas, and it collects data on any
drug-related visit irrespective of intent including drug abuse, misuse,
overmedication, intentional/accidental ingestion, and drug adverse reaction.
DAWN and other drug adverse reaction data sources such as the Toxic Exposure
Surveillance System (TESS) run by the American Association of Poison Control
Centers may benefit from an assessment similar to that done for NEISS with a
focus on pediatric adverse drug events. All of the above systems have
significant shortcomings (i.e., only severe cases are captured in EDs, claims
databases collect information only from hospitalized patients enrolled in a
particular health plan) and can only serve as a complement to existing
postmarketing drug adverse event data systems.
computerized administrative health databases linked to drug utilization data
and outcomes have been gaining popularity in evalua-tion of drug safety. Among
these, the largest and best known internationally is the General Prac-tice
Research Database (GPRD) maintained by the Medicines and Healthcare products
Regulatory Agency (MHRA).20 GPRD is a longitudinal database that
collects data on patient demographics, prescrip-tion drug use, diagnosis,
treatment outcomes, and laboratory tests from a voluntary group of general
practitioners who provide primary health care via the National Health Service
throughout the United King-dom. Although GPRD has been used less in drug safety
research in pediatrics than in adults, it has proven to be useful in the
assessment of safety signals, drug usage patterns, quantification of population
risk of drugs including those of rare outcomes. Because the data are collected
prospectively and are longitudinally linked, GPRD can particularly be useful in
evaluating pediatric drug adverse effects with long latency such as adverse
effects on growth, cognitive development and neoplasia.
population-based, computerized databases commonly used for pharmacovigilance
are organized at regional or health-care setting level. Examples include the
Saskatchewan Health Database21 that contain linked data on
prescription drug, hospital services, physician services and vital statistics
for all residents in one province in Canada. Examples of the health care
setting-based databases are TennCare (state-based Medicaid program), the Kaiser
Foun-dation database and the Harvard Pilgrim database (health maintenance
organizations) who were awarded contracts for drug safety research by the FDA
in 2005. Important limitations of these databases include the inability to
study rare drug adverse events due to the small population size, and inability
to study effects of newly marketed drugs due to formulary restrictions. These
databases, although designed for administrative purposes, offer many
opportunities for pharmacoepi-demiology but remain underutilized for
pediatric-specific drug safety evaluation and research.
potential to identify and report suspected drug adverse events can greatly be
enhanced by the imple-mentation of the requirement for electronic medical
records for all patients. Electronic medical records can also be useful in
preventing serious adverse events by incorporating automated reminders about
previous drug reaction history, drug–drug and drug–food inter-actions, dosage
adjustments and new safety alerts. Until an electronic medical record for all
patients becomes a reality, postmarketing safety assessments will have to
employ one or more of the available resources described above.
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TH 2019 - 2025; Developed by Therithal info.