As hospital clinical pharmacy services expanded, there was a growing recognition of the need for postgraduate training for pharmacists.
Education and training
As hospital clinical
pharmacy services expanded, there was a growing recognition of the need for
postgraduate training for pharmacists. Postgraduate courses in clinical
pharmacy started at Bradford, London and Manchester universities in the 1970s
and others quickly followed. This included the development of part-time
courses, which resulted in a significant increase in the numbers of pharmacists
being able to receive postgraduate training in clinical pharmacy. The majority
of UK NHS hospitals now employ clinical pharmacists with advanced postgraduate
qualifications and many clinical pharmacists also contribute to the teaching on
postgraduate courses. The training and education that hospital pharmacists
receive are covered in more detail in Chapter 17. Clinical pharmacy services
also include the regular provision of training and education for other
healthcare staff at most hospitals a service that is valued highly.
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