‘Integrated medicines management’ is a term that has been used to describe bringing together several elements of clinical pharmacy services which have been shown to be effective in dealing with medicines management problems.
Integrated medicines management
medicines management’ is a term that has been used to describe bringing
together several elements of clinical pharmacy services which have been shown
to be effective in dealing with medicines management problems, delivering
additional input at key phases of a patient’s stay: admission, inpatient
monitoring and counselling and discharge. By focusing additional clinical
pharmacy input to selected patients (that is, those taking at least four
medicines, those on defined highrisk medicines, patients 65 years or older and
on antidepressants, and those with a previous admission within the last 6
months), reduced length of stay and a decreased rate of readmission have been
demonstrated, providing efficiency savings to the health economy in addition to
improved clinical outcomes for patients.
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