The genotype of an organism refers to the entire genetic constitution ; besides, the alleles present at one or more specific loci.
and Phenotype
The genotype of an organism refers to the
entire genetic constitution ; besides, the alleles present at one or more
specific loci. In other words, the genotype
of an organism represents its genetic make up, the information which invariably
codes for all the specific characteristic features of the organism.
Im-portantly, the genotype
critically designates the potential
properties, but certainly not the properties themselves.
The phenotype of an organism refers to the
entire physical, biochemical, and physiological make up as determined both
genetically and environmentally. In other words, phenotype specifically refers to carry out a particular chemical
reaction. Precisely, phenotype is
nothing but the manifestation of genotype.
the broader perspective of ‘molecular
biology’ — an organism’s genotype
very much represents its collection of
genes i.e., its entire DNA.
Likewise, in molecular terms, an organism’s phenotype designates its collection of proteins. It has been duly observed that a major segment of a cell’s inherent characteristic
features normally derive from the structures and functions of its proteins.
in the microbial kingdom the proteins are largely available in two distinct types, such as :
(a) Enzymatic Type (i.e., catalyze specific reactive
processes in vivo (largely
available), and
(b) Structural Type i.e., participate actively in relatively
large functional complexes viz., ribosomes, membranes.
One may
even observe that such phenotypes which
solely depend upon the structural macro-
molecules different from proteins viz., polysaccharides (starches) or
lipids, very much rely indirectly upon the available proteins.
Example : Structure of a ‘complex polysaccharide or lipid molecule’
: It usually results from the catalytic profiles of enzymes which not
only synthesize, but also initiate the process, and cause noticeable
degradation of such structures.
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