Bacterial transformation usually refers to a specific type of mutation taking place in bacteria. In fact, it results from DNA of a bacterial cell penetrating to the host cell and becoming incorporated right into the genotype of the host.
Bacterial transformation usually
refers to a specific type of mutation taking place in bacteria. In fact, it results from DNA of a
bacterial cell penetrating to the host cell and becoming incorporated right
into the genotype of the host.
The era
stretching over 1940s witnessed and recognized that the prevailing inheritence
in micro-organisms (bacteria) was adequately monitored and regulated basically
by the same mechanisms as could be seen in higher eukaryotic organisms.
it was duly realized that bacteria to designate a ‘useful tool’ to decepher the intri-cate mechanism of heredity as well as genetic transfer ; and, therefore,
employed extensively in the overall genetic
investigative studies.
Griffith’s Experimental Observations* : Griffith
(1928), a British Health Officer, carefully
injected mice with a mixture comprising of two different kinds of cells, namely :
(a) A few
rough (i.e., noncapsulated and nonpathogenic) pneumococcal cells, and
(b) A
large number of heat-killed smooth (i.e., capsulated and pathogenic cells.)
Living smooth pneumococci cells — usually
causes pneumonia is human beings and
a host of animals.
‘Rough’ and ‘Smooth’ —
invariably refer to the ensuing surface texture of the colonies of the respective cells.
the mice ultimately died of pneumonia, and ‘live
smooth cells’ were meticu-lously isolated from their blood. Thus, one may
observe critically that there could be certain cardinal factor exclusively
responsible for the inherent pathogenicity
of the smooth bacteria ; and it had eventu-ally transformed these organisms
into pathogenic smooth ones.
also ascertained that the transforming
factor might have been sailed from the trans-formed
cells right into their progeny (i.e., offspring), and hence the inheritence of the characteristic features of a gene. Fig. 6.4 depicts the experiment of Griffith.
From : The Office of Technology Assessment.]
Mcleod, and McCarty (1944) adequately ascertained and identified the aforesaid
‘transforming principle’ as DNA. It is pertinent to mention here
that these noted microbiologists rightly defined DNA as — ‘the critical chemical substance solely responsible for heredity’.
Transformation : Transformation may be referred to
as – ‘a type of mutation occurring in bacteria and results from DNA of a
bacterial cell penetrating the host cell, and ultimately becoming incorporated
duly right into the ‘genotype’ of the host’.
In other words, transformation is the process whereby either ‘naked’ or cell-free DNA essentially having a rather limited extent of viable genetic information is progressively transformed from one bacterial cell to another. In accomplishing this type of objective the required DNA is duly obtained from the ‘donor cell’ by two different modes, such as : (a) natural cell lysis ; and (b) chemical extraction.
Methodology : The various steps that are
involved and adopted in a sequential manner are as enumerated under :
(1) DNA once being taken up by the recipient cell undergoes recombination.
(2) Organisms (bacteria) duly inherited by
specific characteristic features i.e., markers received from
the donor cells are invariably regarded to be transformed.
Example : Certain organisms on being grown
in the persistent presence of dead
cells, culture filtrates, or cell
extracts of a strain essentially having a ‘close resemblance (or similarity)’, shall definitely acquire, and
in turn would distinctly and predominantly
transmit a definite characteristic feature(s) of the related strain (i.e.,
with close resemblance).
(3) DNA
gets inducted via the cell wall as well as the cell membrane of the specific recipient cell.
(4) Molecular size of DNA
significantly affects the phenomenon of
transformation. There-fore, in order to have an extremely successful
transformation of DNA the corresponding mo-lecular
weights (DNA) must fall within a range of 300,000 to 8 million daltons.
(5) Importantly,
the actual number of ‘transformed cells’
virtually enhanced linearly with defi-nite increasing concentrations of DNA.
Nevertheless, each transformation invariably comes into being due to the actual
transfer of a single DNA molecule of the double-stranded
(6) Once
the DNA gains its entry into a cell, one
of the two strands gets degraded almost in-stantly by means of the
available enzymes deoxyribonucleases ;
whereas, the second strand
particularly subject to base pairing
with a homologous segment of the corresponding recipient cell chromosome. Consequently, the latter gets
meticulously integrated into the
recipient DNA, as illustrated beautifully in Figure 6.5.
(7) Transformation of Closely Related Strains of
Bacteria : In reality, the transformation of closely related strains of bacterial
could be accomplished by virtue of the fact that comple-mentary base pairing predominantly occurs particularly
between one strand of the donor DNA
fragment and a highly specific segment of the recipient chromosome.
the major steps involved in the bacterial
transformation have been clearly shown in Fig. 6.5.
Examples : The bacterial species which have been adequately transformed
essentially include :
Bacterial species :
Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pneumococcus)
Genera :
Bacillus ; Haemophilus ; Neisseria ;
and Rhizobium
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