There are around five hundred pharmacy colleges in the country imparting Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm.) programme.
The University Grants Commission
(U.G.C.) Act, 1956
Salient Features
There are around
five hundred pharmacy colleges in the country imparting Bachelor of Pharmacy
(B.Pharm.) programme. The course is offered by university departments,
constituent colleges, Government and private colleges affliated to various Indian
Universities. The Universities offering various courses in higher education
including B. Pharm. and M. Pharm. programmes are established under UGC Act,
It is an Act for
establishment of a University Grants Commission for the purpose of effective
co-ordination and determination of standards in Indian Universities.
University means a
University established under a Central or State Act recognized by UGC in
accordance with the regulations under this Act. On the advise of UGC, the
Central Government may notify and institution for higher education other than a
university as "Deemed to be a university" for the purpose of this
Commission is a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal,
and shall by the said name sue or be sued. The head office of the Commission is
at Delhi.
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