Adverse drug events can cause considerable harm to a patient.
drug events can cause considerable harm to a patient. They can even be fatal.
However, fatal adverse events are relatively rare, and the proportion of fatal
cases in most spontaneous reporting schemes and post-marketing studies is low.
There is consid-erable uncertainty about both the incidence of fatal reactions and
their likely causes.
that result from drug treatment have implica-tions for patients, health care
providers and the health care system. There is a major focus, both in the
liter-ature and in the media, on deaths due to medication error, because they
could, in an ideal world, have been avoided. The report from the Institute of
Medicine in the United States, which extrapolated from infor-mation obtained in
two relatively restricted hospi-tal surveys, excited a lot of media attention
in 2000 when it suggested that as many as 98 000 deaths a year in the United
States were because of ‘medical error’ (Kohn, Corrigan and Donaldson, 1999).
Cases such as those of the young man Wayne Jowett, who died after the erroneous
administration of intrathecal vincristine in place of intrathecal methotrexate,
have also received wide press coverage and stimulated care-ful enquiry (Woods,
2001). In addition, the doctors who committed the medication error were charged
with manslaughter, and one was convicted. This outcome is not unique, as the
past decade has seen a marked increased in the number of legal proceedings
being brought against doctors when their patients die because of a medical
error (Ferner, 2000; Ferner and McDowell, 2006). Paradoxically, this
censoriousness has come at the same time as a realisation that error is an
inevitable part of the human condition, and that for processes to be safe, they
have to be designed (‘engineered’) to be robust in the face of human error
(Reason, 2000). These views should lead to ‘an open culture’, where those who
make errors readily admit to them, so that they can be avoided in future.
Open-ness is a distant goal when doctors face conviction for manslaughter after
errors lead to a patient’s death.
events can also result from negligence, where medical staff clearly fall below
the standards expected of them. A large study of medical records from 51
hospitals in New York state for patients treated in the year 1984, part of the
classic Harvard Medical Practice Study, estimated that nearly 1% of patients
suffered adverse events (not just medication errors) that were the result of
negligence (Brennan et al., 2004).
One quarter of the patients who suffered an
adverse event due to negligence died.
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