Determining the frequency of ADRs is challenging, and the United States General Accounting Office (2000) has reported that ‘the magnitude of health risk [from adverse drug events] is uncertain, because of limited incidence data’.
the frequency of ADRs is challenging, and the United States General Accounting
Office (2000) has reported that ‘the magnitude of health risk [from adverse
drug events] is uncertain, because of limited incidence data’. A wide variety
of study designs has been used by researchers to determine the nature and
incidence of ADRs, and studies that have focused on deaths resulting from ADRs
are described below.
widely cited meta-analysis by Lazarou, Pomeranz and Corey (1998) examined the
evidence from 16 studies published between 1964 and 1995 and concluded that
ADRs accounted for over 100 000 deaths in the United States in 1 year. This
would mean that doctors and their treatments caused about 4% of all deaths.
This study has, however, been crit-icised because there was a high risk of
publication bias and a large amount of heterogeneity between the studies, and
the results were extrapolated from just 78 fatal ADRs.
(2000) examined two sources of data on the number of deaths attributed to ADRs
in the United States. He compared death certificates and the Food and Drug
Administration’s (FDA) spontaneous post-marketing surveillance system
(MedWatch), using International Classification of Disease 9th revision (ICD-9)
codes to identify relevant death certificates, for the year 1995. The number of
deaths recorded under appropriate ICD-9 codes as because of ADRs was 206,
whereas MedWatch tabulated 6894 fatalities. The proportions of men and women
were similar, and the majority of deaths involved persons 60 years of age and
older, in both data sets. He noted that numbers of deaths reported in these
data sets varied 34-fold and were up to several 100-fold less than values based
on extrapolations of data from surveillance programmes. His conclusion was that
better and more comprehen-sive data are needed to develop appropriate health
care policies to improve drug safety. We strongly agree with this view.
authors have examined data from spontaneous ADR reporting schemes. For example,
Clarkson and Choonara (2002) examined deaths reported to the Yellow Card Scheme
in the United Kingdom from 1964 to 2000 to establish the number and nature of
fatal ADR reports regarding children under the age of 17 years. The number of
reports of a fatal reac-tion, expressed as a percentage of all adverse reaction
reports in children, fell from 8.9% in 1964–65, and 1% in 1981–85, to 0.37% in
1996–2000, suggesting major changes in reporting habits. A Yellow Card was
submitted for 390 children who died through-out the entire period, and
anticonvulsant medicines were recorded in 65 cases. As there are few details of
concomitant disease, rates of prescribing or the under-lying fatality rate in
paediatric patients with epilepsy, the data are hard to interpret.
Canada, Liu and colleagues (2001) reviewed the reports of fatal ADRs submitted
to the Ontario Medi-cal Association Adverse Drug Reactions Monitoring Program
from 1990 to 1994. In this period, 7120 reports were submitted, of which 97
(1.4%) were fatal. The study by Bottiger, Furhoff and Holmberg (1979)
scrutinised the 11 596 ADR reports submitted to the Swedish Adverse Drug Reaction
Committee over a 10-year period. From 1966 to 1975, 274 fatal ADRs were
reported, with approximately 25–30 cases annually. The majority of the ADRs
were associated with anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and sulphonamides.
from spontaneous ADR reporting schemes do, however, have manifold disadvantages
when used to assess rates of fatal ADRs – a task they are not designed to
perform. Usually the diagnostic criteria for an ADR are at the discretion of
the reporter, who will rarely have assessed causality in a formal way. A small
but variable proportion of reactions is reported. These factors make the
numerator uncertain. Prescrib-ing data are usually not available, so the number
of persons at risk is unknown, and so the denominators are also unknown. These
problems are compounded when data are sought for a specific age group.
study in Liverpool, one of the largest prospec-tive surveys of its kind,
examined over 18 000 acute admissions
and classified 6.5% of them as because of ADRs. Of the total cohort, 0.15% were
adjudged to be admitted with an ADR of which they died (Pirmo-hamed et al., 2004). In France, a multi-centre
study by the French pharmacovigilance centres established, on the basis of a
survey of over 3000 hospital admis-sions, that over 3% were the result of ADRs.
The ADR was fatal in 0.12% of the admissions (Pouyanne et al., 2000).
computerised pharmaco-epidemiological surveil-lance system in Zurich was used
to record adverse drug events prospectively and to categorise them as because
of ADRs or errors. Of 6383 patients admit-ted between 1996 and 2000, 4.4%
presented with an adverse drug event, and of these, one-third were the result
of error. Two patients died from these errors (Hardmeier et al., 2004).
studies are of considerable interest but gener-ally suffer from several
disadvantages. They do not refer to a defined population, so that the burden of
ill health due to ADRs cannot be accurately esti-mated. Diagnosis of
drug-induced disease is inevitably subjective and relies quite heavily on past
experience. This in turn means that adverse events are ascribed too frequently
to well-known ADRs and too rarely to reactions that are not well publicised.
They also suffer from bias in attribution: simply because an event occurs in a
patient taking a particular drug, and the event is known to be associated with
the drug, which does not prove a causal association in the specific instance.
This is underlined by the fact that treatment with low-dose aspirin doubles the
rate of gastro-intestinal haemorrhage. Put inversely, half of the episodes of
gastrointestinal haemorrhage occur-ring in patients taking aspirin would have
occurred even without the drug treatment.
examination of fatal cases can help to understand the incidence and nature of
the most serious ADRs. Several other studies are now available in addition to
our own previous studies of cases reported to the Coroner (Ferner and
Whittington, 1994, 2002).
and Neuvonen (2002) examined records from 1511 of 1546 fatal cases occurring
during the year 2000 at the university hospital in Helsinki. They classified 75
deaths as probably or certainly because of drugs, of which cytotoxic drugs
accounted for 23 cases and anticoagulants accounted for 20 cases (warfarin 15).
There were an additional 12 cases where death had possibly been related to
cytotoxic or anticoagulant treatment.
important prospective study from a Department of Medicine in a Norwegian hospital
(Ebbesen et al., 2001) classified the
732 deaths (of 13 992 admis-sions) over 2 years as directly or indirectly
associ-ated with drug therapy. Almost all the patients were admitted as acute
medical emergencies. The authors adjudged 64 cases (9% of deaths, 0.5% of
admissions) to be directly caused by drug therapy and a further 69 (9.5% of
deaths, 0.5% of admissions) to be indi-rectly caused by drug therapy. The
hospital served a population of about 300 000 people. A remark-able aspect of
this study was that nearly 80% of all patients who died underwent post-mortem
exam-ination. The autopsy and post-mortem measurements of drug concentrations
allowed a much clearer deci-sion to be made on the potential involvement of
drug therapy in the patient’s decease. The authors believed that post mortem
results pointed decisively towards a contribution from drug therapy in 75 of
133 cases where drug therapy was involved and decisively excluded drug therapy
as a cause of death in 62 of the remaining 595 patients. The rate of adverse
drug events, 9.5 per 1000 admissions, was high, whereas the overall mortality
rate of 5.2% was in keeping with data from similar institutions. The authors
concluded that post-mortem data are often decisive in the anal-ysis of fatal
adverse reactions, even though they are not part of standard causality
course, the examination of fatal cases does not necessarily overcome the
problem of estimating the denominator, i.e. the size of population in which the
risks occur. While hospital cases from a defined catch-ment area do allow some
estimate to be made, many of the series of fatal cases fail to provide evidence
that could estimate incidence. When the popula-tion incidence of a fatal
reaction can be estimated, some idea of the community burden of deaths from
adverse reactions can be gained. However, doctors and patients are more
interested in the risk of a fatal reaction with a specific medicine. This risk
cannot be estimated without data on the number of persons taking the medicine.
Even then, the risk of an adverse reaction may be very different in subsets of
the patient population. For example, the risk of angioedema with an
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor is substantially greater in
Afro-Caribbean patients than in Europid patients (McDowell, Coleman and Ferner,
designs of the studies investigating ADRs varies and so too do those
investigating adverse drug events and medication errors. The contribution of
medication errors to the overall figure for deaths from ‘medi-cal error’ is not
clearly established, but surveys of hospital in-patients (Bates et al., 1995) and of nursing homes
(Barker et al., 1982) have shown that
medica-tion errors are extremely common. Anecdotal reports from several
sources, including Coroners’ Inquests (Whittington and Thompson, 1983; Ayers,
Fleming and Whittington, 1987; Whittington, 1991), and the medical defence
societies (Ferner, 1995) have alerted doctors to some of the dangers.
recent systematic studies of medication errors have examined the incidence in
various settings. Some studies have examined the overall incidence of adverse
drug events and determined how many might have been prevented by judicious
prescrib-ing or administration of medicines. A systematic review of 10 studies
of adverse drug events in hospi-tal estimated that about one-third were
preventable (median 35%, range 19–73%) (Kanjanarat et al., 2003).
Australian study examining national statistics and data from the literature
showed that up to 4% of all hospital admissions, and as many as 30% of
hospi-tal admissions in the elderly, resulted from adverse drug events
(Runciman et al., 2003). Estimates of
the proportion that were preventable varied from 32% to 77%. The drugs most
commonly implicated in adverse events requiring admission were anticoagu-lants
and opioids. Among hospital patients in Canada, the adverse event rate was 7.5
per 100 hospital admis-sions, of which more than one quarter were related to
drug or fluid therapy, and 1.6 per 100 were fatal (Baker et al., 2004). Some 6.5% of acute medical admissions in Nottingham
were judged to be related to drugs, and the investigators adjudged two-thirds
to be preventable (Howard et al.,
a 9-month study of 1247 residents of two long-term care facilities, Gurwitz and
colleagues (2005) identified 815 adverse drug events, of which 338 (41%) were
judged to be preventable. Four resi-dents who suffered an adverse drug event
died as a result. An examination of 447 fatal adverse drug events published in
the pharmacy journal Clin-Alert defined
58% as ADRs and 17% as medica-tion errors (Kelly, 2001). The American study by
Gurwitz et al. (2003) investigated
the incidence of ADEs in the wider community, outside the hospi-tal. Among
approximately 30 000 people over the age of 65 years who were attending a group
practice in the community, 4% experienced an ADE and 0.022% died because of an
ADE over the course of 1 year.
studies of different design and length, and in various different populations,
have reported a considerable variation in the incidence of fatal adverse drug
events. One additional source of information that is potentially useful for
investigating the epidemiol-ogy of adverse drug events is the records kept by
Coroners in England and Wales.
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