The actions of T4 and T3 are qualitatively similar and are nicely depicted in the features of hypo and hyperthyroidism. They affect the function of practically all body cells.
The actions of T4
and T3 are qualitatively similar and are nicely depicted in the
features of hypo and hyperthyroidism. They affect the function of practically
all body cells.
1. Growth and development
T4 and T3 are essential for normal growth and development.
The most remarkable action is metamorphosis of tadpole to frog: the tail is
usedup to build lungs, limbs and other organs. The action cannot be broadly
labelled as catabolic or anabolic. It is exerted through a critical control of
synthesis in the
translation of the genetic code. Congenital deficiency of T4 and T3
resulting in cretinism emphasizes their importance. The milestones of
development are delayed and practically every organ and tissue of the body
suffers. The greatest sufferer, however, is the nervous system. Retardation and
nervous deficit is a consequence of paucity of axonal and dendritic
ramification, synapse formation and impaired myelination. In adult
hypothyroidism also, intelligence is impaired and movements are slow.
2. Intermediary Metabolism
Thyroid hormones have
marked effect on lipid, carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
Lipid T4 and T3 indirectly enhance lipolysis by potentiating the action of catecholamines and
other lipolytic hormones, probably by suppressing a phosphodiesterase → increased cAMP:
plasma free fatty acid levels are elevated. Lipogenesis is also stimulated. All
phases of cholesterol metabolism are accelerated, but its conversion to bile
acids dominates. Thus, hyperthyroidism is characterized by hypocholesterolemia.
LDL levels in blood are reduced.
Carbohydrate Carbohydrate
metabolism is also stimulated. Though
utilization of sugar by tissues is increased (mainly secondary to increased
BMR), glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in liver as well as faster absorption
of glucose from intestines more than compensate it → hyperglycaemia and
diabetic like state with insulin resistance occur in hyperthyroidism.
Protein Synthesis of certain
proteins is increased, but the overall effect of T3 is
catabolic—increased amounts of protein being used as energy source. Prolonged
action results in negative nitrogen balance and tissue wasting. Weight loss is
a feature of hyperthyroidism. T3, T4 in low
concentrations inhibit mucoprotein synthesis which so characteristically
accumulates in myxoedema.
3. Calorigenesis
T3 and T4 increase BMR by stimulation of cellular metabolism and
resetting of the energystat. This is important for maintaining body
temperature. However, metabolic rate in brain, gonads, uterus, spleen and lymph
nodes is not significantly affected. The mechanism of calorigenesis was
believed to be uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation: excess energy being released
as heat. However, this occurs only at very high doses and is not involved in
mediating the physiological actions of T3, T4.
Dinitrophenol uncouples oxidative phosphorylation, but has no thyroid-like
4. CVS
T3 and T4 cause a hyperdynamic state of circulation which is partly secondary to
increased peripheral demand and partly due to direct cardiac actions. Heart
rate, contractility and output are increased resulting in a fast, bounding
pulse. T3 and T4 stimulate heart by direct action on
contractile elements (increasing the myosin fraction having greater Ca2+ ATPase
activity) and probably by up regulation of β adrenergic receptors.
Atrial fibrillation and other irregularities are common in hyperthyroidism.
Thyroid hormones can also precipitate CHF and angina. BP, specially systolic,
is often raised. Myocardial O2 consumption can be markedly reduced
by induction of hypothyroidism.
5. Nervous System
T3, T4 have profound functional effect on CNS. Mental retardation
is the hallmark of cretinism; sluggishness and other behavioral features are
seen in myxoedema. Hyperthyroid individuals are anxious, nervous, excitable,
exhibit tremors and hyperreflexia.
6. Skeletal Muscle
Muscles are flabby and weak in myxoedema, while thyrotoxicosis produces
increased muscle tone, tremor and weakness due to myopathy.
7. GIT
Propulsive activity of gut is increased by T3/T4. Hypothyroid
patients are often constipated, while diarrhoea is common in hyperthyroidism.
8. Kidney
T3 and T4 do not cause diuresis in euthyroid individuals, but the rate of urine
flow is often increased when myxoedematous patients are treated with it.
9. Haemopoiesis
Hypothyroid patients suffer from some degree of
anaemia which is restored only by T4 treatment. Thus, T4
appears to be facilitatory to erythropoiesis.
10. Reproduction
Thyroid has an indirect effect on reproduction.
Fertility is impaired in hypothyroidism and women suffer from oligomenorrhoea.
Normal thyroid function is required for maintenance of pregnancy and lactation.
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