The chemical tests are performed from neutral or slightly acidic solution of drug.
The chemical tests are performed from neutral or slightly
acidic solution of drug.
Dragendorff’s Test
Drug solution + Dragendroff’s reagent (Potassium Bismuth
Iodide), formation of Orangish red colour.
Mayer’s Test
Drug solution + few drops of Mayer’s reagent (potassium
mercuric iodide), formation of creamy-white precipitant.
Hager’s Test
Drug solution + few drops of Hagers reagent (Saturated aq. Solution
of Picric acid), formation of crystalline yellow precipitate.
Wagner’s Test
Drug solution + few drops of Wagner’s reagent (dilute Iodine
solution), formulation of reddish-brown precipitate.
Tannic Acid Test
Drug solution + few drops of tannic acid solution,
formation of buff coloured precipitate.
Ammonia Reineckate Test
Drug solution + slightly acidified (HCl) saturated solution
of ammonia reineckate, formation of pink flocculent precipitate.
TH 2019 - 2025; Developed by Therithal info.