Following are some of the predominant activities of bacteria, namely : (a) Enzyme Production (b) Toxin Production (c) Miscellaneous
are some of the predominant activities
of bacteria, namely :
(a) Enzyme Production. Bacteria
invariably give rise to the production of enzymes
that act on complex food molecules, breaking them down into much simpler
components ; they are the principal agents responsible for causing decay* and
(b) Toxin Production. Special
molecules called adhesins bind
bacteria to the host cells. Once the attachment gets materialized, the bacteria may produce poisonous
substances usually known as toxins.
are commonly of two kinds, such as :
(i) Exotoxins — enzymes that virtually disrupt
the cell’s function or kill it, and
(ii) Endotoxins
— stimulate production of cytokines***
which may produce widespread vasodilation and shock.
(c) Miscellaneous. A host
of bacteria produce several chemical
and physical characteristic prod-ucts, such as :
Pigments — colouring matter,
Light — exhibiting luminescent at
Chemical substances — e.g., acids, alcohols, aldehydes,
ammonia, gases, carbohydrates, and
indole, and
Hemolysins, leukocidins, coagulases, and fibrolysins
produced by pathogenic bacteria ;
The soil bacteria play a vital and
important role in different phases of the nitrogen
cycle viz., nitrification, nitrogen fixation, and denitrification.
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