Medicinal Chemistry: Stages of General Anaesthesia : Stage I (analgesia), Stage II (delirium), Stage III (surgical anaesthesia), Stage IV (medullary paralysis)
STAGES OF ANAESTHESIA Stage I (analgesia): The patient is conscious and experience sensations of warmth, remoteness, drifting, falling, and giddiness. There is a marked reduction in the perception of painful stimuli. This stage is often used in minor surgery. Stage II (delirium): This stage begins with the loss of consciousness. Depression of higher centres produces variety of effects including excitement, involuntary activity, and increased skeletal muscle tone, and the respiration is typically irregular. Stage III (surgical anaesthesia): This is the stage of unconsciousness and paralysis of reflexes, respiration is regular and blood pressure is maintained. All surgical procedures are carried out in this stage. Stage IV (medullary paralysis): Respiratory and circulatory failures take place as a result of the depression of the vital centres of the medulla, and brain stem occurs.
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