Density of powders and granules plays an important role in pharmaceutical processing.
Density and
porosity - Analyses of powders
of powders and granules plays an important role in pharmaceutical processing.
For example, handling and processing of pharmaceutical powders often require
mixing of the drug with excipients. The drug must be uniformly mixed for the
dosage form to have a uniform amount of drug between different dosage units.
Adequate flow of a powder and the uni-formity of mixing of two or more powders
are significantly affected by powder density. Uniform mixing generally requires
the powders to be of similar density. Mixing of powders whose particles have
significantly dif-ferent density may not achieve uniform mixing.
of powders and granules is defined by their measurement technique and
application to processing as follows:
Bulk density: BD represents the
combined mass of many loosely packed
particles of a powder sample divided by the total volume they occupy. This
total volume reflects the interparticulate (void volume) and intraparticulate
(porosity of the particle) volume occupied by air, in addition to the volume
occupied by the solid component(s) of the particle. BD is important for
material handling considerations because it directly measures the volume that a
given mass of powder would occupy under undisturbed conditions.
Tapped density: Tapped density
(TD) represents the settled or packed volume of a given mass of particles
under well-defined rate and extent of agitation. For example, a measuring
cylinder containing a given mass of powder can be manually or instrumentally
tapped on a solid surface at a fixed rate and distance from surface, for a
fixed number of taps, to cause the consolidation of the sample. TD is then
deter-mined by dividing the combined mass of the consolidated sample by the
total volume it occupies.
enables the determination of the extent of powder consolida-tion that may be
expected under routine handling and equipment vibration conditions during
pharmaceutical manufacturing. This is referred to as the compressibility index
or Carr’s index (CI) of the powder. It is defined in terms of a powder BD and
TD as
= (TD−BD) / BD
CI represents the proportion of the bulk volume that gets con-solidated under
vibrational and routine handling stress. In addition, a parameter that defines
the ratio of consolidated to bulk volume, Hausner ratio (HR), is defined as:
ratios help compare the relative degree of consolidation and estimated flow
characteristics of different powders.
True density: True density
refers to the density of the solid phase of the particles. It excludes the
volume contribution of both inter-and intraparticulate spaces. Therefore, true
density of a powder is independent of powder porosity, compaction, and
pretreatment of the sample. True density is important for understanding, for
example, the solid fraction of a tablet—which represents the proportion of
total volume that is occupied by the solid mass.
bulk and tapped powder densities are estimated using a simple volu-metric
cylinder. The compendia, such as the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), have
standardized the equipment and process for the measure-ment of bulk and tapped
densities, and also for the pretreatment of the sample before loading in the
measuring cylinder. This harmonization of testing procedure helps reduce
variability due to material handling and other subjective parameters that may
differ between personnel and laboratories.
density of a powder can be determined by the following:
Volumetric measurement using Archimedes’ principle and
Boyle’s law using an instrument called helium pycnometry.
method is based on the penetration of an inert gas inside a chamber of known
volume that contains the powder sample under constant temperature and pressure.
Estimation of the actual amount of gas penetrated against that expected based
on the ideal gas law, as mentioned in the following equation, allows the calculation
of the vol-ume occupied by the solid mass and, thus, the determination of total
porosity of the sample.
PV =
P is the pressure
V is the volume
n is the mole of gas
R is the gas constant
T is the temperature
powder sample is placed inside a chamber of defined volume, which is then
filled and emptied with a defined volume of an inert gas, such as helium. The
pressures observed during the filling and empty-ing of the sample chamber with
the inert gas allow the computation of solid phase volume of the sample.
calculations are based on the Archimedes’ principle that fluid displacement by
the solid phase of the particles is proportional to the volume of the solid
phase. Boyle’s law describing the inverse proportionality of pressure and
volume of a gas at a constant tem-perature allows the determination of volume
occupied by the gas in the sample chamber as a function of its pressure.
method is commonly used for true density determination of powders and granules.
Mass measurement using Washburn equation (mercury intrusion
pore volume in a defined mass of powder can be estimated by the penetration of
mercury, a nonwetting (high contact angle) liquid, inside the sample under
externally applied pressure.
this technique, the sample is placed in a sealed chamber of known volume.
Mercury is filled in the chamber under vacuum to occupy all interparticulate
spaces (easily accessible, around the sample). This is followed by forced
ingress of mercury inside the pores of the particles by application of external
pressure. Total amount of mercury penetrated inside the pores is determined as
a function of pressure. Washburn equation, describing the capillary penetration
of a liquid as a function of its viscosity and surface ten-sion, is used to
estimate pore diameter at the pressures used. A plot of pressure applied
against volume of mercury penetrated into the sample allows the calculation of
pore volume or size as a function of the penetrated volume—which allows the
calculation of not only total penetrable porosity but also the porosity as a
function of pore diameter.
intrusion porosimetry is commonly used for the compari-son of granule porosity
among different samples because it represents the fluid-penetrable portion of
the total porosity.
of particle density is important to ensure uniformity of mixing of two or more
powders. Powders with significant differences in particle density tend to
segregate during processing. In addition, particle density influences powder
flow. Changing powder’s bulk or TD is frequently required to achieve desired
flow properties. For example, a very low-density powder may not flow well.
Particle density can be changed during several pharmaceutical unit operations.
true density and porosity of particles are determined by the intrinsic or
inherent characteristics of a material, which can be influenced by the
material’s manufacturing process. For example, the crystalline polymorphic form
of the API determines the closeness of molecular packing and the size of the
cell in the crystal lattice, which impacts particle density. In the case of
excipients, different density grades are sometimes available commercially. For
example, Avicel PH 101 (FMC Corp.) and Avicel PH 301 have the same PSD but
significantly different particle density. Particle density can be changed by
changes in the manufacturing process, such as spray drying ver-sus drum drying
for the preparation of raw materials, the amount of water and shear used during
wet granulation, or the pressure applied on the rolls during roller compaction.
Granulation techniques such as roller compaction or wet granulation lead to
shear-induced consolidation of particles, in addi-tion to the binding and agglomeration
of fine particulates.
compressibility index (CI) or HR of a powder can also lead to flow problems,
attributable to the consolidation and densification of powder bed in a
localized region of the processing equipment such as the outlet nozzle of a
hopper. This issue can be addressed by reducing the TD of the powder. The
consolidation characteristics, and hence the TD, of a powder bed mainly depend
on the PSD of the powder. Therefore, reducing the spread of the PSD by
granulation and reduction of fines can reduce the CI or HR of a powder.
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