Jatamansi consists of dried rhizomes of Nardostachys jatamansi D.C., belonging to family Valerianaceae.
Indian spike nard, Nard.
Biological Source
Jatamansi consists of dried rhizomes of Nardostachys jatamansi D.C., belonging to family Valerianaceae.
The rhizomes are dark grey in colour and are crowned with
reddish-brown tufted fibres, it has a highly agree-able and aromatic odour and
acrid, slightly bitter and aromatic taste. The rhizomes are 2.5 to 7.5 cm in
length and having elongated and cylindrical shape. The fibres present on the
rhizomes are the remaining of leaf bases. Rhizomes break easily and internally
they are reddish-brown in colour.
Chemical Constituents
Jatamansi contains 1 to 2% of pale yellow volatile oil,
resin, sugar, starch and bitter principle, an alcohol and its isovaleric ester.
It also contains jatamansic acid and ketones jatamansone and nardostachone.
Chemical Test
Add 2 g of powder to 5 ml of 80% alcohol and shake for ten
minutes and filter it. Place one drop of filtrate on filter paper, dry it, and
examine under UV light. It shows bluish white fluorescence.
Jatamansi is used as a sedative, antispasmodic, diuretic,
emmenagogue, and stomachic. It is stimulant in small doses and also useful in
epilepsy, hysteria, and palpitation of heart. The oil possess antiarrhythmic
activity and also used as a flavouring agent in the preparation of medicinal
oil. The oil is used as hair tonic, since it is reported to promote the growth
of hair and it also imparts blackness to the hair.
Marketed Products
It is one of the ingredients of the preparations known as
Abana, Rumalaya gel, Mentat, Anxocare (Himalaya Drug Company), and
Dasmularishta, Mahamarichadi tail (Dabur).
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