Pharmacovigilance has traditionally focused on detection and evaluation of signals in the post-approval environment in order to secure early detection of new adverse reactions or patient subgroups of exceptional sensitivity, and to introduce measures to manage those risks.
has traditionally focused on detection and evaluation of signals in the
post-approval environment in order to secure early detection of new adverse
reactions or patient subgroups of exceptional sensitivity, and to introduce
measures to manage those risks. It was and remains the vision of CIOMS VI even
though there are some important differences between pre-marketing and
post-marketing safety monitoring and management that there should be a much
stronger and closer relationship between them. In providing practical, and
sometimes completely new approaches for managing safety information in the clinical
trial setting, CIOMS VI enables a more seamless tran-sition in conducting high
quality pharmacovigilance from the development stage to the post-approval
period. The sixth CIOMS working group addressed the collection, monitoring,
analysis, evaluation and overall management of safety information from
clini-cal trials. The output of the CIOMS VI working group is dedicated to the
many thousands of patients and other volunteers who generously participate in
clini-cal research programmes so vital for the development and advancement of
2000–2003, drug regulatory authorities, pharma-ceutical companies and clinical
investigators were challenged by several new national, regional and
inter-national guidelines and regulations, including those dealing with ethical
aspects of biomedical research. Implementation of ICH Guideline E6 on GCP was
completed, the World Medical Association’s Declara-tion of Helsinki was revised
in 2000 (and subsequently clarified in 2002 and 2004), the European Commis-sion
published the Clinical Trials Directive in 2001 and its guidances in 2003, and
CIOMS published the revised International Ethical Guidelines for Biomed-ical
Research Involving Human Subjects in 2002. Moreover, the working group reviewed
new develop-ments in drug safety regulations and concepts and in
risk-management put forth by the US FDA and the EU EMEA. Similarly, it was also
kept up to date on new initiatives in Japan, Australia and South Amer-ica. All
these aspects are reflected or referred to in the final report of the working
survey of pharmaceutical companies on their safety practices during clinical
trials was conducted in early 2003; the results of that survey helped inform
the working group’s deliberations.The topics covered in the survey included
broad organisation and policy issues (regarding, e.g., risk management,
Investigator’s Brochure management) as well as case processing and data
management issues (e.g. causality assessment, study/case blinding, use of AE
terms and coding dictionaries, and much more).
report is divided into the following six main subject areas:
• Ethical Considerations for Clinical Trial
Safety Management.
• Good Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management
Practices: Systematic Approach to managing safety during clinical development.
• Collection and management of safety data
during clinical trials.
• Identification and evaluation of risk from
clinical trial data.
• Statistical analysis of safety data in
clinical trials.
• Regulatory reporting and other communication
of safety information from clinical trials.
key messages of this chapter are that for anyone designing and conducting a
clinical trial, the funda-mental principle should be that any study that is not
scientifically sound can be considered unethical.
also endorses the concept of transparency of results and outcomes for all
clinical research, espe-cially safety data.
chapter is destined to become one of the most influential pharmacovigilance
texts in recent memory. It recommends that sponsors of clinical trials ensure
that a well-defined and well-structured process is in place that will allow
them to readily identify, evaluate and minimize potential safety risks relative
to poten-tial benefits for study subjects in pre-approval trials. Such a
process should start before initiating the first Phase I study and continue
through post-approval use of the drug or biologic in the general population.
dedicated Safety Management Team (SMT) should be formed for each development
programme, to review all the available safety information on a regular basis so
that decisions on safety can be made in a timely manner. It also recommends
that these reviews generally take place at least quarterly pre-approval and be
co-ordinated with pre-approval and, if applicable, post-approval periodic
reporting. Quar-terly and ad hoc
safety reviews should consider the overall evolving safety profile of the investigational
product, make necessary changes to the Investiga-tor’s Brochure (IB),
Development Core Safety Infor-mation (DCSI) and informed consent, determine if
any changes to the conduct of the trials need to be considered, and initiate
prompt communications to investigators, ethics committees and regulators when
appropriate. The team should be empowered to make decisions that will
accomplish the goal of minimizing risk while maximizing benefits to subjects in
clinical trials, as well as anticipating the use of the product once marketed.
formal Development Risk Management Plan (DRMP) should be created and modified
as needed during a clinical programme. In the initial planning stages of a new
clinical development programme, one goal is to gather the necessary knowledge
and infor-mation to adequately plan the optimum programme from the standpoint
of safety. The plan should include early documentation of known, anticipated
and poten-tial risks along with plans for addressing them during development
and, where appropriate, the DRMP would eventually evolve into a post-marketing
risk management plan that will accompany the registration application.
pertinent data must be readily available to the safety team from the clinical
trial and safety databases as well as from other relevant sources, such as the
pre-clinical toxicology department (e.g. carcinogenic-ity and development and
reproductive toxicology), in vitro mutagenicity
studies, and pharmacokinetic and drug-interaction
is important to incorporate epidemiology into the development planning process,
not only for defining the natural history of the disease being treated, but for
anticipating important confounding factors and back-ground rates of occurrence
of concurrent illnesses. Understanding these will help to put the evolving
safety profile into proper perspective.
planning for the development of virtually any new medicinal product, there are
certain cate-gories of potential toxicities that should always be considered.
These include abnormalities in cardiac conduction, hepatotoxicity, drug–drug
interactions, immunogenicity, bone marrow toxicity and reactive metabolite
early phases of drug development, it is generally necessary to collect more
comprehensive safety data than in post-marketing studies. In addition, certain
drug types may require longer routine follow-up as in the case of vaccines,
immunotherapies and some biotechnology products. As a general rule, it is
recommended that safety data event-collection should continue after the last
dose of the drug for at least a further five half-lives of the experimental
product. Also, investigators should be instructed to always be diligent in
looking for possible latent safety effects that may not appear until after a
medication is discontinued.
are no definitive methods for distinguish-ing most adverse drug reactions (i.e.
events that are causally attributable to study therapy) from clinical adverse
events that occur as background findings in the population and have only a
temporal association with study therapy. The CIOMS VI Working Group thus
recommends that:
adverse events, both serious and non-serious, should be collected for any
clinical trial during development, regardless of presumed relationship to the
study agent by the investigator or sponsor, in order to allow for subsequent
assessment of causal-ity using standardized methods for individual cases and
aggregate data. This applies not only to the experimental product but to
placebo, no treatment or active comparator.
• Causality judgments based on analysis of
multi-ple cases/aggregate data, rather than on individual cases, are almost
always more meaningful and typi-cally have a greater impact on the conduct of
clin-ical trials, including changes to informed consent documents, study design
and core safety informa-tion. However, causality assessment of individual
adverse events by the investigator may play a role in the early detection of
significant safety prob-lems, and these are the only source of information on
rare events.
• The investigator should be asked to use a
simple binary decision for drug causality (related or not related) for serious
adverse events. One possi-ble approach that has been suggested is to ask simply
whether there is a ‘reasonable possibility’ or ‘no reasonable possibility’ that
the study treat-ment caused the event. Alternatively – ‘Was there a reasonable
possibility?’ Yes or No.
order to assure standardized signal detection and evaluation processes, data
quality and completeness are paramount. The CIOMS VI Working Group recommends
the following principles for this impor-tant objective:
• Individual case safety reports from studies
should be as fully documented as possible.
• There should be diligent follow-up of each
case, as needed.
• The reporter’s verbatim AE terms must be
retained within all relevant databases.
should avoid ‘excessive coding’ of events reported in serious adverse event
cases. Each such report should contain only the minimum number of dictionary
terms needed to ensure retrieval in the rele-vant clinical context(s).
Conversely, sponsors should take great care not to ‘undercode’ events, namely
assign codes that might downgrade the severity or importance of an event term
or terms. Some compa-nies and health authorities maintain a list of event terms
that are always regarded as medically seri-ous and important even if the
specific case might not satisfy the criteria for serious in a regulatory sense
(require expedited reporting, for example). Such ‘always serious’ events are
used routinely to trigger special attention and evaluation. Although such lists
were originally created for post-marketing purposes, especially for spontaneous
reports, they might be useful for pre-approval clinical research purposes.
purpose of ongoing safety evaluation during drug development is to ensure that
important safety signals are detected early and to gain a better understanding
of the benefit–risk profile of the drug. Safety monitoring, evaluation and
analysis should be performed in such a manner as not to compromise the
integrity of the indi-vidual studies or the overall development programme.
Study sponsor should be fully aware at every stage of development of the
potential risks of the investiga-tional product and the morbidities
characteristic of the study population. They must also ensure that activi-ties
involved in the management of clinical trial safety data (e.g. data entry, edit
checks, data queries, coding of adverse events using a standard dictionary) are
undertaken with care and precision in order to ensure that the safety database
is accurate and complete.
working group recommended that frequent review of serious and special interest
adverse events, as well as overall assessment of all AEs, regardless of
seriousness, causality or expectedness, should be performed periodically:
• ad hoc, for serious and special interest AEs;
• routine, periodic, general review of all
data, whose frequency will vary from trial to trial and from development
programme to development programme and depend on many factors; and
• reviews triggered by specific milestones
estab-lished for a trial or a programme (e.g. numbers of completed patients,
end-of-trial, end-of-program, preparation of integrated summary of safety, and
a marketing application).
safety data should be monitored and eval-uated periodically during the course
of the overall developmental programme, during each study, and at the end of
every study to provide an ongoing appraisal of benefit–risk balance.
of the most appropriate statistical techniques for analysis and display of the
data are essential for plac-ing the absolute and relative safety of a medicinal
product in proper perspective. Early in drug devel-opment (Phase I and early
Phase II trials), much of the assessment of safety depends on individual case
assessment. However, as the database increases, aggregate analysis tends to
become more important, and that is where statistics play a crucial role. The
techniques and approaches to use of statistics for analysing safety data have
not been developed as fully as they have for efficacy and it is not uncommon to
find inappropriate or incomplete displays and analysis of adverse event data,
even in refereed publications.
chapter is not intended to be a manual for statistical analysis of safety data
as the subject is much too broad and complex. However, it does highlight key
points that need attention when considering anal-ysis, and areas which the
working group believed may not be adequately understood or appreciated.
approaches have application at several stages of clinical trials: protocol
design, during a trial, for final analysis and writing of the trial report or
publication, and when combining data across differ-ent trials. Professional
statistical help is required and should be obtained at each of those stages.
Statis-tical association (P-values or other measures) alone may or may not be
of clinical value. In random-ized trials they have great strength in testing
causality but they inevitably have uncertainty. Examination of both statistical
and clinical significance must involve a partnership.
ability of a study to detect causal effects in the face of variation within and
between individu-als is dependent on sample size; the smaller or rarer an
effect, the larger the sample size required, if any degree of certainty is to
be given to the study conclu-sions. It is necessary to acknowledge when the
data are insufficient to draw conclusions on safety, i.e. ‘absence of evidence
is not evidence of absence’. In such situations, the use of descriptive methods
and well-designed graphics will be helpful in this process. Finally, although
this chapter concentrates on ways of graphically representing safety data, the
recom-mendation is that the unwanted effects must always be considered in the
context of the benefits of the medicine.
chapter makes a number of detailed recommenda-tions on the expedited reporting
process for clinical trial reports. More importantly and contrary to
established regulations, CIOMS VI proposes that routine expedited case
reporting by sponsors to investigators and Indepen-dent Ethics Committees
(IECs)/Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) be eliminated. Instead, sponsors
should provide regular updates of the evolving benefit–risk profile and
highlight important new safety information. Only significant new information,
occasionally a single case report, that has implications for the conduct of the
trial or warrants an immediate revision to the informed consent would be
communicated on an expedited basis. More commonly, important new safety
information would be communicated periodically, based on the assessment of
accumulating, aggregate information.
unapproved products, instead of sending indi-vidual expedited clinical trial
case reports to investi-gators and IECs/IRBs, the CIOMS VI Working Group
recommended periodic reporting. It was suggested that such reports include a
line listing of unblinded clinical trial cases that were expedited to
regula-tory authorities since the last periodic report, a copy of the current
DCSI along with an explanation of any changes, a statement if there are no
changes, and a brief summary of the emerging safety profile. Although it is
recommended that the default would be quarterly updates, there may be
circumstances when either a more immediate or less frequent communica-tion
would be appropriate.
approved products, the time frame for peri-odic reports to investigators and
IECs/IRBs would depend on the extent to which new indications are being developed.
For a product undergoing Phase III trials, continuation of the quarterly
reports would be advisable. For well-established products, less frequent
updates would be appropriate and, at some point, there should only be a need to
update investigators and IECs/IRBs when there is significant new infor-mation
to report. For Phase IV investigators and their associated IECs/IRBs,
communications of changes to the CCSI should be sufficient.
working group proposed that there be a single Development Safety Update Report
(DSUR) for submission to regulators on an annual basis, with a consistent
format and content which were yet to be defined. Additional recommendations for
the DSUR were taken up by the CIOMS VII working group (see CIOMS VII).
a significant safety issue is identified, either from an individual case report
or review of aggre-gate data, then the sponsor should issue a prompt
notification to all parties, namely regulatory author-ities, investigators,
IECs/IRBs and, if relevant, Data and Safety Monitoring Boards (DSMBs). A
signifi-cant safety issue could be defined as one that has a significant impact
on the course of the clinical trial or programme (including the potential for
suspension of the trial programme or amendments to protocols) or warrants
immediate update of informed consent. DSMBs are most commonly employed for a
single large clinical trial and are not usually charged with providing
oversight of an entire clinical program. It would therefore be important to
ensure that important new safety information is communicated to a DSMB even if
the information did not originate from the DSMB-monitored study.
was much discussion on whether the previ-ously recommended concept and level of
threshold for changes to the CCSI (CIOMS III/V report) should be applied to the
DCSI and informed consent informa-tion. Although there was agreement on the
concept, there was not agreement on the threshold. As reflected in Appendix 7
of the report, there was a body of opin-ion that fewer and less stringent criteria
for including new ADR information in the DCSI be applied for events that might
have a significant adverse outcome for the trial population. This opinion was
not reflected in the main chapter.
CIOMS VI report was published in 2005 (CIOMS, 2005).
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