Other Drugs for Hypercalcaemia

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Chapter: Essential pharmacology : Drugs Affecting Calcium Balance

Gallium nitrate: It is a potent inhibitor of bone resorption; acts by depressing ATPdependent proton pump at the ruffled membrane of osteoclasts. Indicated in resistant cases of hypercalcaemia.



Gallium nitrate: It is a potent inhibitor of bone resorption; acts by depressing ATPdependent proton pump at the ruffled membrane of osteoclasts. Indicated in resistant cases of hypercalcaemia, it is given by continuous i.v. infusion daily for 5 days. It is nephrotoxic and only a reserve drug.


Mithramycin (Plicamycin) A cytotoxic drug which inhibits bone resorption in 10 times lower doses than for cancer. It is used only in nonresponsive cases of hypercalcaemia and Paget’s disease. Toxicity is high.


Glucocorticoids: High doses of prednisolone (and others) enhance calcium excretion, decrease calcium absorption and have adjuvant role in hypercalcaemia due to lymphoma, myeloma, leukaemia, carcinoma breast, etc.


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