Let W = X/n, where X is a binomial variable with parameters n and p.
Let W = X/n, where X is a binomial variable with parameters n and p. Then, since W is just a constant times X, E(W) = p
and Var(W) = p(1 – p)/n. W
represents the pro-portion of successes when X is the number of successes. Because often we wish to estimate the
proportion p, we are interested in
the mean and variance of W (the
sam-ple estimate for the proportion p). In the example where n = 3 and p = 0.5, E(W) = 0.5 and Var(W) = 0.5(0.5)/3 = 0.25/3 = 0.0833.
The central limit theorem applied to the sample
mean of n Bernoulli trials tells us
that for large n the random variable W, which is the sample mean of the n Bernoulli trials, has a distribution
that is approximately normal, with mean p
and variance p(1 - p)/n.
As p is unknown, the common way to
normalize to obtain a statistic that has an approximate standard normal
distribution for a hypothesis test would be Z
= (W - p0)/ √[p0(1 – p0)/n], where p0 is the hypothesized value of p under the null hypoth-esis. Sometimes W itself is used in place of p0
in the denominator, since W(1 – W) is a consistent estimate of the
Bernoulli variance p(1 – p) for a single trial. Multiplying both
the numerator and denominator by n we
see that algebraically Z is also
equal to (X – np0)/√{n[p0(1
– p0)}].
Because the binomial distribution is discrete and
the normal distribution is con-tinuous, the approximation can be improved by
using what is called the continuity correction. We simply make Z = (X
– np0 – 1/2)/√{n[p0(1 – p0)]}. The normal ap-proximation to the binomial works
fairly well with the continuity correction when n ≥ 30, provided that 0.3 < p
< 0.7. However, in clinical trials we are often interested in p > 0.90; these cases require n to be several hundred before the Z approximation works well. For this
reason and because of the computational speed of modern com puters, exact
binomial methods commonly are used now, even for fairly large sam-ple sizes
such as n = 1000
To express Z
in terms of W in the continuity
corrected version, we divide both the numerator and denominator by n. The result is Z = (W – p0 – 1/{2n})/ √[p0(1 – p0)/n].
We use this form for Z as it provides a better approximation to expressions such as P(W
≤ a) or P(W > a). On the other hand, if we consider P(W < a) or P(W ≥ a), then
we should use Z = (X – np0
+ 1/2)/√{n[p0(1 – p0)]} or, equivalently, Z = (W
– p0 + 1/{2n})/ {p0(1 – p0)/n}.
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