Sufficient drug must be deposited in the alveolar cavity, so that adequate amount of a drug would be absorbed into the systemic circulation to elicit therapeutic efficacy.
Systemic drug
delivery through the lung
drug must be deposited in the alveolar cavity, so that adequate amount of a
drug would be absorbed into the systemic circulation to elicit therapeutic
efficacy. Aerosolized systems present the drug in a particulate form with an
intensity of airflow, which may allow the drug to pass through the lung
architecture and reach the alveoli. However, traditional inhalation devices
deposited only ~10%–15% of the inhaled drug in the lung.
design elements of the DDS that can permit systemic drug absorption through the
lung include the following:
1. Size and drug
loading of the particles: Fine aerosols deposit better in the lung alveoli and peripheral airways but have a lower amount of a
drug per unit surface area. The relatively coarse aerosol particles deposit
more drugs per unit surface area, but tend to be deposited in the cen-tral,
larger pathways that are subject to mucosal clearance, low surface area, and
poor drug absorption. For example, particles with a diameter in the range of
~60 μm tend to deposit in
the trachea, whereas particles in the size range of ~2 μm tend to deposit in the alveoli.
Aerodynamic diameter and size distribution of the particles need to be
carefully con-trolled to maximize particle deposition in the alveoli.
2. Density of the
Particle density contributes to the inertia of the particle. In addition, being inversely related to particle
porosity, particle density also impacts diffusivity of the drug through the
par-ticle at the site of absorption.
3. Particle shape: Ideal particle
shape for pulmonary drug delivery is spherical.
However, pharmaceutical formulations tend to have an irregular shape, whereas
crystalline drugs may have markedly high aspect ratio (ratio of length to
width) of their particles. Deviation from sphericity can reduce the alveolar
deposition of a drug.
4. Aggregation: Particle surface
charge and other surface characteris-tics that may promote particle adhesion
can increase the size of the agglomerates in the respiratory tract, thus compromising
the propor-tion of the formulation from reaching the alveoli.
5. Hygroscopicity: Since the
respiratory tract presents a high humidity local environment, particles that are hygroscopic and may change their
sur-face adhesion or size characteristics rapidly on exposure to a high
humid-ity environment may not achieve optimal particle deposition in the lung.
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TH 2019 - 2025; Developed by Therithal info.